Mobile Services
Shop Services Available Upon Request
$120.00 includes
Mobile call out , Full Diagnoses
part pickup and first 30 minutes once on site
no added fees to make multiple trips for the same repair.
(Squar with processing fee)
Looking for a Mechanic?
You came to the right place!
I started this business because we all have been to that "One Mechanic" who over charges for a simple job. The mechanic who says you need to replace multiple parts to fix issues you didn't have prior to your visit. The mechanic who keeps you on the edge of your seat before you get the bill.
This is not that place!
I have done the research and priced myself below average. As a Veteran I want to further my service to our community with the values that seem to be lost.
I not only want to save you money but get you on the road with your vehicle that will be reliable. I know how hard it is to find someone who is honest and fair. This is where Truth Automotives is the place for you.
owner / operator
Shop services
Located in
Culver, Oregon
Upon Request
Truth Automotives LLC
Call or Text
-Services include-
*Gas Engine Repair
*Oil Changes
*Tune Ups
*Timing Chains
*Head Gasket repair
*Camshafts replacement
*Radiator Flush
**Shop Location to be
in Redmond within 6 months.**